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Доклад “The planning of rural settlements”

Автор (ы)

Сысоев Максимилиан Андреевич


Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет им. Г.Ф. Морозова, студент

Научный руководитель

Литвинова Людмила Алексеевна


Доклад на английском языке посвященный планированию сельских населенных пунктов.

“The planning of rural settlements, a set of measures for the reconstruction of existing villages and the construction of new enlarged rural settlements in a system that is unified with cities is associated with the solution of architectural, construction, engineering, technical, and sanitary and hygienic problems. These tasks are solved through redevelopment, engineering improvement of territories, placement of buildings, organization of a system of cultural and community services, and other measures. They are carried out taking into account the significance and position of rural settlements in the system of settlement, local natural and national-domestic features.

The transition of agriculture to an industrial basis, the creation of agro-industrial complexes and associations, the expansion of inter-farm and inter-industry relations, the intensification of labor and cultural contacts between the urban and rural population, the development of the road network and transport predetermined the formation of settlements of various production and functional types, as well as local systems of interconnected settlement. From the historically established rural settlements, it is planned to single out the so-called. promising settlements (usually distinguished by their large size, convenient location in economic, industrial and transport terms, favorable natural conditions, the presence of capital residential, cultural, domestic, industrial buildings and elements of engineering improvement). The population is gradually concentrated in them, industrial, housing and cultural and household construction is concentrated, and landscaping is being carried out. Regional features determine the initial norms and rules for the design and construction of settlements, as well as the choice of planning and development methods.”

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Дата публикации работы: 28.01.2022

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