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Доклад “Recycling of waste paper and cardboard”

Автор (ы)

Сысоев Максимилиан Андреевич


Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет им. Г.Ф. Морозова, студент

Научный руководитель

Литвинова Людмила Алексеевна


Доклад на английском языке о технологии сбора, переработки отходов бумажной промышленности.

“Waste paper is waste paper product, both used or new. There is an erroneous opinion that these are only printing ones: newspapers, magazines, brochures and books. In fact, this is the name of all paper products that can be used as raw materials for secondary production, they include: molded pulp molds, packaging cardboard waste and various paper sleeves.

In accordance with GOST (State Standard) in Russia, all the waste paper is divided into 3 groups:

  • of high quality (A);
  • of medium quality (B);
  • of low quality (B).

The first group (A) includes waste paper for writing, drawing and sketching, as well as uncoated cardboard. Such raw materials should not contain polyethylene and latex, fragments contaminated with ink or other substances, glue and book spines.

The second group (B) includes the remains of ordinary and corrugated cardboard, printing goods, books and magazines. These are office waste, archives from various institutions.

The third group – Low-quality waste paper (B) is considered to be newspapers, coloured cardboard with a laminated coating, covers, paper bags, posters and other products that cannot be attributed to the first two groups.

All waste paper is divided into 13 brands or grades, designated from MS-1A to MS-13V. The serial number indicates a specific type of paper and cardboard. The brand determines the cost upon acceptance, the higher the quality of the waste, the more valuable products can be produced from them. A mixture of paper products belonging to different groups costs less than sorted. A plant can buy one or another variety, but not process another. This also applies to collection points that only work with certain brands of waste paper.

Waste paper is used for the production of many goods, it is used to make: printing products; writing paper; toilet paper, napkins and paper towels; box and container cardboard; disposable tableware; newspapers; heat and sound insulating materials; Construction Materials.”

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Дата публикации работы: 28.01.2022

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