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Индивидуальный проект “Bilingualism as a modern tendency of education”

Автор (ы)

Шавкова Анна Дмитриевна


МАОУ СОШ №27 г. Балаково, Саратовская область, 9 класс

Научный руководитель

Рыжова Валентина Васильевна


In the modern world people travel freely, easily communicate with locals, enjoy famous sights. Every student understands that he needs to speak languages in order to travel. However, the question arises – how many languages do you need to know in order to move freely around the world? Due to the desire to know as many languages as possible, to master them, such a phenomenon as bilingualism arose. In addition, right now there is a development of cultural, educational, scientific and business contacts between representatives of different countries; language educa-tional exchanges are actively carried out. Such trends lead to the fact that bilingual education is becoming one of the leading areas of educational policy in the world. This determines the relevance of this work.

The aim of the paper is to explore the value of bilingualism throughout its for-mation and development to the present day.

The goal set made it necessary to solve a number of specific tasks:

  • to study approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “bilingualism”,
  • to reveal the problem of studying children’s bilingualism,
  • to determine the way of formation of bilingualism in Europe and Russia,
  • to analyze the features of bilingual education in the Saratov region,
  • based on the survey conducted to identify the role of bilingualism in the life of modern adolescents.

So, the object of the research is bilingualism. The hypothesis is the increasing influence of bilingualism in the modern world and education.

The results of the research are the following:

  • during the last century the influence of bilingualism has increased greatly;
  • a lot of bilingual institutions appeared;
  • modern teenagers understand the importance of mastering one, two or more foreign languages.

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Конкурс, в котором автор работы принял участие:

IV Международный конкурс междисциплинарных исследовательских проектов школьников “ДРЕВО ЖИЗНИ”, 2021/2022

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Форма представления работы

Дата публикации работы: 26.02.2022

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