Учебно-образовательный проект “Healthy lifestyle”
Автор (ы)
МАОУ СОШ №20, г.о. Балашиха, Московская область, 3 класс
Научный руководитель
Health is the main value of any person. Good health allows you to achieve many serious goals, while poor health forces its owner to spend a significant part of his life on healing and restorative procedures. Therefore, in order to have good health, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. To do this, from early childhood, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle.
The purpose of our work is to develop children’s’ knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.
Tasks: to find out the factors influencing the state of health; to offer practical recommendations for leading a healthy lifestyle in English.
The object of the study is elementary school students.
The subject of the study is a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren.
Research methods: literature analysis.
Results: In this study, we have listed practical recommendations, designed them in a presentation.
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Дата публикации работы: 28.02.2022
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