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Исследовательская работа “From floristic Symbols, Heraldy to the History and national Character”

Автор (ы)

Лелес Роман, Санько Ксения


ГУО “Куковская СШ” Ганцевичский район, Брестская область, Беларусь, 10 класс

Научный руководитель

Климовец Марина Михайловна, бакалавр педагогических наук, учитель английского языка


We would like to share our research based on the facts and surveys of villagers and pupils of Kukovo school on the theme of flower symbolism and heraldry. We hope that the data of the research work will allow pupils to look deeper and more consciously into the history of the small homeland.

The priority of modern linguistics is the study of the language as a cultural code of the nation, and not just as means of communication and knowledge. Any language is an opportunity to understand the cultural characteristics of a nation, a way to penetrate the country’s history. Echoes of the past are preserved in proverbs, phraseology, metaphors and symbols.

When we remember one or another country, we usually associate it with any flower or plant, which are common and popular in the state.  The concept of “national flower” is very ancient. The national flower was playing an important role as a symbol, a mark of distinction for certain people. Nowadays the flowers have not completely lost their role in the international arena and they are often the “logos” of their countries.

The hypothesis of my research: in the culture of Great Britain and Belarus there is a flower symbol, reflecting the historical events, the character and the mentality of the nation.

The novelty of this work is the study and comparison of the national floral emblem in the context of Belarusian and British cultures. The most difficult and significant part of my work is study and analysis of floral characters as elements of the family coat of arms of Wendorffs, a noble family, dating back to the XVII century, who were buried in old cemetery in Yasenets and school emblems and logos in my village and in Gantsevichi district.

The purpose of my research is to study the motives of the choice of the national floral emblem in the English and the Belarusian languages and cultures.

The main objectives of research are to:

  1. Investigate the literature and Internet resources on flower symbolism.
  2. To study the motives and principles of selection of the national floral emblem of Great Britain and Belarus in the context of their cultures.
  3. Define the cultural identity of the selected floral characters.
  4. Carry out a comparative analysis of the floral characters as elements of cultures, reflecting the character of the British and the Belarusians.

The object of research is the cultural identity of floral characters.

The subject of research is the cultural identity of flower symbolism of Great Britain and Belarus.

We used the following methods and techniques: studying and reviewing of the literature, Internet resources, comparing, summarizing, questioning.

We conducted a survey among the pupils of the 7-th – 11-th forms, which revealed their awareness on flower symbolism in the cultures of the Belarusians and the British. We interviewed residents of our village, teachers and pupils at the choice of the flower symbol for the village Kukovo.

The material of our research can be used as the additional material during English lessons and extracurricular activities. We have created a commemorative booklet for pupils.

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